Ivan Sutherland was born on May 16, 1938, and is still alive and well at 85 years old. He is an American computer scientist and has won a lot of awards such as the 1988 A.M turning award. He is most commonly known for development of the sketchpad and the invention of the first head-mounted virtual reality system. He earmed a bachelor's degree from the Carnegie Institute of Technology, a master's degree from the California institute of Technology, and a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Gladys West is a mathematician and computer scientist who made major contributions to the development of the Global Positioning System (GPS). She developed mathematical models and geoid models that helped to make real-time data processing more efficient and to enable computer scientists and geographers to work together to manage/analyze vast amounts of geospatial data. She is an inspiration to women and underrepresented groups in the field of computer science.
Raj Reddy was born on was born on June 13, 1937. He was an Indian-American computer scientist who made major contributions to AI, robotics, and speech recognition. He attended the Guindy College of Engineering, the University of South Wales, and Stanford University.